English dental courses

Contemporary Endodontics – 10 Steps for optimization of root canal treatment

Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Michael Hülsmann (Vita)

Date: Sat 08.06.24, 09:00 – 15:00 a.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-contemporary | Course: 2401 | Fees: 385,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 7

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Root canal treatment is composed of a number of more or less equally important steps, starting with proper diagnosis, case selection and treatment planning. Preparation of a proper access cavity, detection of all root canals, determination of working length, shaping and disinfection, final obturation and coronal restoration resemble the technical steps of treatment. Each of these steps can be associated with a number of problems when not performed properly. Despite these problems the most important aspects of root canal are establishment and meticulous adherence to a strict and comprehensive concept of asepsis and antisepsis, infection control and addressing each tooth individually.

The seminar will address the most important steps of root canal treatment and aims at helping the participants to develop their own concept for their daily work. Contemporary techniques, instruments and materials will be presented and critically discussed.

Basics: Pathology
10 Steps:

  1. Diagnosis
  2. Case selection and problem-orientated treatment planning
  3. Treatment of endodontic emergencies
  4. Rubber dam and the concept of aseptic treatment
  5. Preparation of the access cavity
  6. Determination of working length
  7. Preparation
  8. Disinfection: Irrigation and medication
  9. Obturation
  10. Postendodontic restoration

The Veneers Course

Speaker: Manrina Rhode (Vita)

Date: Fri 19.07.24, 10:00 – 17:00 a.m. and Sat 20.07.24, 10:00 – 17:00 a.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg veneer | Course: 2401 | Fees: 1.850,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 8+1+8+1

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On this 2 day course learn how to complete predictable smile makeovers using porcelain veneers in a minimally invasive way.

Dr Manrina Rhode uses her 21 years experience in Cosmetic Dental practice, having completed around 14000 veneers to share her techniques for successful cases.

Learn how to complete a Comprehensive Cosmetic Dental examination.

  • Record taking required for Smile Makeovers
  • Ideal prep design and procedure
  • How to formulate perfect temporary veneers
  • Smile design and artistic recontouring of temporary veneers
  • How to fit porcelain veneers that will remain bonded for 20 years
  • Patient communication

Leave this course feeling confident to compete these exciting procedures in practice, giving patients natural results and the smile they want.

Peg-shaped teeth, diastemas, misaligned teeth – Composite solutions

Speaker: Dr. med. dent. Markus Lenhard (Vita)

Date: Tue 17.09.24, 18:00 – 20:00 p.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-misaligned | Course: 2401 | Fees: 157,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 2

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Often we see patients with impaired smiles which wish for an improvement. Their goal isn’t necessarily the perfect Hollywood smile, but still a significant change to the better. Some can’t afford extensive prosthetic treatments or an orthodontic therapy, others simply don’t what to take the burden of long treatment. Direct composites often offer the possibility of a quick, relatively inexpensive and minimally invasive improvement. Diastemas, peg-shaped teeth, misaligned teeth are situations that can often be treated with direct composites, given the operator knows the correct techniques and esthetic goals.

The webinar will show the possibilities (and limitations) of what can be achieved with direct composites. The techniques will be shown step-by-step, illustrated by numerous clinical cases.


  • What make a nice smile? – esthetic and functional guidelines
  • Diagnosis – what can be done with composites?Direct veneers
  • Peg-shaped teeth
  • Diastemas
  • Bleaching
  • Gingivectomy – when and how?

Aesthetic Implantology: Hands-On – two-day course

Speaker: Dr. Nina Psenicka
Spezialistin für Implantologie (DGZI)
Oralchirurgin, Dozentin (Vita)

Date: Fri 27.09.24, 09:00 – 17:00 a.m. and Sat 28.09.24, 09:00 – 17:00 a.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-AesImpl | Course: 2401 | Fees: 1.095,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 8+1+8+1

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In this both theoretical and practical course in the form of hands-on exercises on animal specimens, each participant will deepen the knowledge they have learned using implantological operations. A safe and long-term treatment concept is conveyed from efficient planning to surgical intervention and prosthetics. This means you can expand your spectrum of treatments and gain security during operations and the prosthetics for your patients.

The surgical techniques and the management of complications are an integral part of a successful implantological and surgical procedure, which is optimized through targeted surgical training.

As course participant, you will learn in this course about immediate implantation and immediate loading and much more through lectures based on patient cases and operations you have carried out on animal specimens. This enables you to treat your patients in a highly aesthetic and functional manner in shorter treatment times.

Update on “Cheese molars”: Essentials for the management of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH)

Speaker: PD Dr. med. dent. Ruth Santamaría, M. Sc., PhD
Oberärztin, Abt. für Präventive Zahnmedizin & Kinderzahnheilkunde, Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Greifswald Universität (Vita)

Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. dent. habil. Julian Schmoeckel, M. Sc.
Oberarzt / Zahnarzt, Abteilung für Präventive Zahnmedizin und Kinderzahnheilkunde, Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald (Vita)

Online live seminar | Date: Wed 18.09.24, 19:00 – 21:15 p.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-cheese | Course: 2401 | Fees: 157,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 3

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Despite good oral hygiene and a tooth-friendly diet, dental problems are still occurring. Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is common all over the world and is, therefore, of increasing concern to dentists, affected children and their parents. The MIH prevalence, causes and management are focus of intensive research efforts, but what is known so far?

This course offers a clinical-orientated update for dental practitioners and paediatric dentists and presents the state of the art on the topic MIH covering its essentials from aetiology to management and its underlying scientific evidence. Beyond the interactive character of the lecture, there will be room for Q & A at the end, and optional opportunity for the participants to discuss their own cases.

Course Topics:

  • Epidemiology
  • Possible aetiological and risk factors for MIH
  • Diagnosis
  • Management concepts and factors influencing treatment decision
  • Management spectrum: From non-invasive measures, through sealants, restorations, and (stainless steel) crowns, to tooth extractions
  • Simple and complex patient cases

Digital Implantology: Data Acquisition, Virtual Planning & Guided Implant Surgery

Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Tabea Flügge (Vita)

Speaker: Jun.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Florian Kernen
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Department für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (Vita)

Date: Fri 25.10.24, 15:00 – 19:00 p.m. and Sat 26.10.24, 09:00 – 15:00 a.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-digital | Course: 2401 | Fees: 785,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 5+1+7+1

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The accuracy of treatment planning and guided implant surgery depends on the quality of imaging as well as the expertise of the practitioner. Digital methods help in processing images to assess patient-specific anatomical information, consequently enhancing the predictability and quality of treatment.

Backward planning in implantology involves digital methods such as digital radiography (CBCT) and intraoral scans to depict relevant anatomical structures for surgical and prosthetic planning. Although the fundamental data is the same, there are many individual configurations within the digital workflow, such as variations in intraoral scanners, computer software for virtual planning, and options for 3D printing and milling. These are combined to accommodate the complexity of the treatment and the individual protocols of the dentist.

This course will emphasize the following educational components:

  • Intraoral scanning (presentation and hands-on practice)
  • Cone Beam CT (presentation and interactive discussion)
  • Virtual implant planning using various implant planning software (hands-on practice)
  • Backward planning in simple and complex cases (presentation and interactive discussion)
  • Guided surgery with 3D printed guides (presentation and discussion of surgical videos)
  • Guided surgery employing dynamic navigation (presentation and discussion of surgical videos)

Basics of Endo Retreatment

Speaker: ZA Georg Benjamin (Vita)

Online live seminar | Date: Fri 16.10.24, 18:00 – 21:00 p.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-endo | Course: 2401 | Fees: 157,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 4

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Retreatments are important in Tooth preservation. The reasons for endodontic failures are diverse. Often, it’s the basics like missing rubber dam isolation or an incorrect access cavity. In other cases, it’s leakage due to poor post-endodontic restoration or even caries.

I want to show you the tools I use for my retreatments so that you can implement this in your practice. In doing so, I want to share as many tips and tricks as possible with you:

  • How to best remove posts?
  • When should the crown be removed before retreatment?
  • Basics of rubber dam isolation
  • Direct Post Endo restorations

Minimally invasive Prosthodontics from A (adhesive technique) to Z (zirconia)

Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Daniel Edelhoff
Studiendekan Zahnmedizin, Klinikdirektor
LMU Klinikum, Poliklinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik (Vita)

Date: Tue 03.12.24, 18:00 – 21:00 p.m. | Seminar: FOBI-eg-prosthetics | Course: 2401 | Fees: 157,00 € | Target group: Dentists | Points: 7

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Minimally invasive treatment options have become increasingly feasible in restorative dentistry, due to the introduction of adhesive techniques in combination with restorative materials featuring optical properties similar to those of natural teeth. This enables primarily defect-oriented additive restorative methods guided by wax-up as a reference during tooth preparation. Similarly, the introduction of cantilever resin-bonded FDPs has essentially made it possible to preserve healthy tooth structure. Modern restorative concepts should be accompanied by a reliable adhesive technique. New adhesive systems allow to simplify the sensitive process of bonding to tooth structures and different restorative materials.
The webinar will provide modern treatment concepts for the daily practice.

Attendees will learn:

  1. To differentiate minimally invasive preparation designs for single tooth restorations.
  2. To understand material selection criteria for all-ceramic FDPs including resin-bonded FDPs.
  3. To identify simplified procedures in adhesive technique.