Imprint and GTC


Continuing Education Institution of the Berlin and Brandenburg State Dental Associations GmbH

Postal address: Aßmannshauser Str. 4-6 – 14197 Berlin
Contact details: Tel: 030 414725-0, Fax: 030 4148967, Email:, Web:
Registered office of the company: Berlin
Register Court: Charlottenburg Local Court, HRB 46 830
Sales tax identification number (VAT ID):DE163213271
Tax number: 27/612/00873

Managing Director: Kay Lauerwald
Data Protection Officer:Dipl.-Pol. Gerd-Jürgen Golze, e-mail:

Quality management representative: ZÄ Ilona Kronfeld-Möhring
The advisory board: Dr Cornelia Gins, Dr Dr Alexander Steiner, ZA Jens Füting, Dr Stefan Herder, Univ.-Prof. Dr Dr Ralf Radlanski

Development, design, programming, support, text content:Philipp-Pfaff-Institut

Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

General terms and conditions

Registration and acceptance of the GTC
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Anmeldung per Brief, E-Mail oder Fax an: Philipp-Pfaff-Institut, Aßmannshauser Straße 4-6, 14197 Berlin – E-Mail: – Fax: 030 4148967 – Telefonische Auskunft: 030 414725-0 – Anmeldungen müssen schriftlich erfolgen, telefonische Anmeldungen sind nicht möglich. Die Anmeldefrist endet – wenn nicht anders angegeben – 21 Tage vor Beginn des Kurses. Bitte geben Sie neben Ihrer Kontaktadresse unbedingt eine Telefonnummer und eine E-Mail-Adresse an, unter der wir Sie im Bedarfsfall (z.B. bei Krankheit eines Referenten) kurzfristig erreichen können. Mit der Anmeldung werden die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Philipp-Pfaff-Instituts anerkannt. Eigenen anderslautenden AGB der Teilnehmer oder Referenten wird hiermit höchstvorsorglich widersprochen.

Registration confirmation and invoice
The participant’s registration is deemed to be accepted if we have not declared rejection within 14 days of receipt of the registration. You will receive a confirmation of registration which entitles you to participate in the course. Please transfer the course fee to the account stated in the invoice after receipt of the invoice, stating the customer number, the invoice number and the course number. The invoice is usually sent to the e-mail address we have on file approximately 21 days before the course begins. Payment must be made no later than seven days before the start of the course. If the course fee is not paid on time, a one-time reminder with costs will be sent. If payment is not made on time, the institute reserves the right to allocate the course place to other interested parties. In this case, notification will be given that the course place has been reallocated.

Application for the advanced training courses (ZMP, ZMV, DH, FZP, ZMF)
After the application documents have been sent, the respective processing fee stated in the further training catalogue will be invoiced. After successful admission to the upgrading training, the participant will receive separate contract documents.

Scope of services
The course fee covers participation in the course, the course documentation, as a rule conference drinks and snacks as well as – if noted separately in the continuing education catalogue – other services. Each course participant receives a confirmation of participation and, if applicable, continuing education points in accordance with the guidelines of the joint advisory board for continuing education of the BZÄK and DGZMK. If the confirmation of participation is lost, a processing fee of € 10 will be charged for the issue of a duplicate. For some courses, participants will be sent a list of materials in good time before the course begins. The materials on the list must be purchased by the participants themselves and brought to the course. The general course language is German, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the course description.

Withdrawal of the participant (deregistration) or transfer to a substitute participant
Cancellation from a course is possible and free of charge up to 21 days before the course starts. The cancellation must be made in writing. After this date, as well as in case of non-attendance or discontinuation of participation, the full course fee must be paid. Refunds cannot be made for services that have not been fully purchased. This also applies if the failure to attend is due to force majeure. The term “course” always includes all parts and modules in the case of multi-day events and the structured training courses/curricula. You can also transfer your course place to a substitute participant free of charge up to 21 days before the start of the course. After that, a processing fee of 25,- € will be charged for the re-registration. The nomination of a replacement participant must be made at the time of cancellation. Even in the case of a transfer of the course place, the substitute participant’s own written registration is required.

Subject to change by the Philipp Pfaff Institute
We reserve the right to make changes, e.g. cancellation or change of speakers, changes to the course programme or format (online or face-to-face). Participants will be informed immediately of any significant changes. If a course is cancelled, the course fee will be refunded after the participant has notified us in writing of the bank details. Further claims are excluded.

Course documents
The course documents of the Philipp Pfaff Institute are exclusively available to the course participants, they are subject to copyright protection and may not be reproduced or distributed – not even in part – without our consent. The Philipp Pfaff Institute reserves all rights in this respect. Sound and video recordings as well as photography and the like are not permitted.

Data protection
The course participant data submitted to us is stored digitally and used for internal course administration and course information. Your data will not be passed on to third parties (with the exception of the ZÄK Berlin and LZÄK Brandenburg) unless we are legally obliged to do so. Otherwise, the requirements of the DSGVO apply. The required data protection declarations can be requested from the office.

The participant undertakes to observe existing copyrights and related property rights. The teaching materials provided by the Philipp Pfaff Institute may only be used for teaching purposes. Image and sound recordings of any kind or screenshots of the lessons are not permitted. All video, sound and image rights are held by the Philipp Pfaff Institute. The participant indemnifies the Philipp Pfaff Institute against any claims made by third parties due to non-compliance with this agreement.

Liability and severability clause
The Philipp Pfaff Institute is not liable for damage, loss or theft of objects of any kind during events. The liability of the Philipp Pfaff Institute and its employees is limited to gross negligence and intent. Should any provision in these terms and conditions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of all other provisions or agreements. The invalid provisions shall be replaced by the statutory provisions. All information without guarantee. Errors and omissions excepted. No liability for printing errors.

Im Übrigen ist die Haftung • für das Abhandenkommen oder die Beschädigung persönlicher Gegenstände und Daten, • für Schäden an Hard- oder Software des Teilnehmers, die bei Online-Seminare entstehen könnten, • für Teilnehmer, die von zu Hause lernen, bei Störung des ungehinderten Zugriffs auf die virtuellen Lernräume des Philipp-Pfaff-Institutes sowie hierdurch bedingte nutzlos geworden Aufwendungen, • für Unterrichtsausfälle, die aus Ausfällen und Störungen der Internetleitung des Teilnehmers resultieren ausgeschlossen!

Bank details
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG, IBAN DE38 3006 0601 0003 5496 74, BIC (SWIFT Code) DAAEDEDD – HypoVereinsbank AG, IBAN DE11 1002 0890 0355 9886 00, BIC (SWIFT Code) HYVEDEMM488

Status: October 2023