Participation in individual modules on request.
With children, the whole family is usually drawn to the dental office or out of it if there is insufficient expertise in pediatric dentistry and prevention. However, especially in recent years, pediatric dentistry has become much more demanding, with a growing number of children requiring complex oral rehabilitations involving deciduous tooth endodontics, steel crowns, and space maintainers. The Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry Curriculum is aimed at all those who wish to refresh and expand their knowledge in the field of pediatric dentistry. It covers all areas of pediatric dentistry and prevention.
Introduction, prophylaxis concepts, traumatology, deciduous tooth endodontics, steel crown (Univ.-Prof. Splieth)
- Caries risk classification
- ECC (teat bottle caries)
- Prevention Plans
- Fluoride update, chlorhexidine and xylitol
- Fissure sealing
- Prophylaxis for pregnant women
- Primary prophylaxis
- Nutritional guidance
- Professionally supported oral hygiene
- Epidemiology, classification, diagnosis and immediate treatment of dental trauma
- Dental trauma prevention
- Anatomical features of the deciduous tooth and juvenile permanent teeth
- Pathology of the pulp and apical periodontium
- Endodontic measures in the primary dentition: capping, pulpotomy, pulpectomy (demo)
- Endodontic measures in mixed dentition: Cp treatment, direct capping, pulpotomy, apexification, surgical measures.
- Indication, procedure, billing
- Steel crown in pediatric dentistry
Practical exercises:
Steel crown
Child development, neuropsychological aspects, repeat structure, communication and behavior management, acupressure and hypnosis in children’s dental treatment (Dr. Meißner, Dr. Zehner)
Treatment area mouth / neural development
Stress / attention focusing, pain, anxiety generalization.
Closeness and distance / security, parents, substitute objects, constancy
System of mirror neurons / perception, imagination, model learning
Dealing with children:
First contact at the dentist, repeat set-up, parents
Child-friendly communication and behavior management
Acupressure / Energetic psychology (tapping acupressure)
Exercises to find the acupuncture points
hypnosis / natural trance phenomena, suggestions, trance signs
Special features of children hypnosis / QuickTimeTrance
Developmental psychological aspects
Induction forms / differences in age groups, video examples.
Anatomy, Teratology (PD Dr. Dr. Kirschneck)
- Growth mechanisms
- Special developments and growth processes
- Maldevelopment of head and skull
- Oral development
MIH and pediatrics, extractions and surgical procedures in children (Dr. Schmoeckel, PD Dr. Santamaria).
- Pediatric dental concept
- Molar incisor hypomineralization (from etiology to therapy).
- Anatomical and functional peculiarities in childhood
- Influence of chronic and acute diseases on dental therapy (disease patterns at a glance)
- Local anesthesia in children incl. Behavioral guidance
- Extractions of deciduous teeth incl. Gap management/rehabilitation
- Extractions of permanent teeth
- Other minor surgical procedures
- Pre- and postmedication for extractions/surgeries
Practical exercises:
- Strip crown
- Splinting for anterior tooth trauma
- Application of SDF
- Hall technology
- Use of dentin substitute material
- Demonstration fixed gap holder
Early orthodontic treatment (Univ.-Prof. Kahl-Nieke)
- Indications for an immediate appliance-based orthodontic measure
- Chronic progressive findings
- Congenital and acquired disorders during tooth development and during tooth change
- Orofacial dyskinesias
- Successes and failures in early orthodontic treatment.
Sedation, practice organization and billing (Dr. Otto)
- Dental treatment of children under anesthesia
- Overview of sedation and the use of inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide) in children.
- Practice organization of a dental practice only for children
- Billing in pediatric dentistry
- Caries therapy, pediatric dentures, case presentations (Univ.-Prof. Splieth)
- Non- and minimally invasive caries therapy
- Arresting dental caries?
- Preventive composite restoration
- Special features of restorative therapy on deciduous teeth
- Filling materials, indication and problems
- Matrix systems for every situation
- Providing care for educational disorders such as MIH, etc.
- Pediatric Denture & Gap Retainer
- Case presentations (e.g. for therapy planning)
Case presentations and collegial final discussion (Univ.-Prof. Splieth)
Handing over of the certificates
You will need for the practical exercises in the course:
- Moist stored extracted tooth with halfway intact roots, preferably deciduous tooth/molar
- Moist stored extracted carious tooth
Topic: Introduction, prophylaxis concepts, traumatology, milk tooth endodontics, steel crowns
Speaker: Prof. Splieth
Course dates: Fri 23.02.2024, 14:00 – 19:00 and Sat 24.02.2024, 09:00 – 17:00
Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215
Please bring on Saturday:
- An extracted tooth with halfway intact roots, preferably a milk tooth/molar
- Rotating instruments for the red and green contra-angle handpiece:
- Separating diamond (pointed) for proximal preparation
- Diamond roller for occlusal reduction and trepanation
- Rose borer (medium size)
- Endo files:
- Size 15 to 35
- Lentulo 30
- Gates drill
Venue Friday: SANA Hotel, Nürnberger Str. 33/34, 10777 Berlin
Route planner Google Maps (external link)
Venue Saturday: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room)
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26
Route planner Google Maps (external link)
This course day is offered hybrid, online participation is also possible.
Topic: Anatomy, Teratology
Speaker: PD Dr. Dr. Kirschneck
Course date: Fri 12.04.24, 14:00 – 19:00
Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215
Venue: Conference room Springer (SKR 14), Heidelberger Platz 3, 14197 Berlin
Route planner Google Maps (external link)
Topic: Relaxed dental treatment for children
Speakers: Dr. Meißner (Fri), Dr. Zehner (Sat)
Course dates: Fri 21.06.24, 14:00 – 19:00 and Sat 22.06.24, 09:00 – 17:00
Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215
Venue: DoubleTree by Hilton Berlin Ku’damm, Los-Angeles-Platz 1, 10789 Berlin
Route planner (GoogleMaps) (external link)
Topic: MIH and pediatrics; extractions and surgical procedures in children
Speakers: Dr. Schmoeckel, PD Dr. Santamaria
Course dates: Fri 06.09.24, 14:00 – 19:00 and Sat 07.09.24, 09:00 – 17:00
Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215
please bring Saturday:
- Preparation set
- Side cutter
- Flat nose pliers
- Three jaw tongs
- Heidemannspatel
- Kugelstopfer, 2 verschiedene Größen
Venue Friday: DoubleTree by Hilton Berlin Ku’damm, Los-Angeles-Platz 1, 10789 Berlin
Route planner (GoogleMaps) (external link)
Venue Saturday: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room)
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26
Route planner Google Maps (external link)
Themen: Kieferorthopädische Frühbehandlung / Sedierung, Praxisorganisation und Abrechnung
Referenten: Univ.-Prof. Kahl-Nieke, Dr. Otto
Kurstermine: Fr 18.10.24, 13:00 – 18:00 Uhr (Hybridveranstaltung) und Sa 19.10.24, 09:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215
Veranstaltungsort Samstag: Springer Bibliothek, Heidelberger Platz 3,
14197 Berlin
Course dates
Introduction, prophylaxis concepts, traumatology, deciduous tooth endodontics, steel crowns
Fri 23.02.24, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 24/02/2014, 09:00 – 17:00
Fri 12.04.24, 14:00 – 19:00
Relaxed children’s dental treatment
Fri 21.06.24, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 22.06.24, 09:00 – 17:00
MIH and pediatrics; extractions and surgical procedures in children.
Fri 06/09/2014, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 07/09/2014, 09:00 – 17:00
Kieferorthopädische Frühbehandlung
Fr 18.10.24, 13:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Online Live-Seminar
Sedation, practice organization and billing
Sat 19.10.24, 09:00 – 17:00
Caries therapy, pediatric dentures, case presentations
Fri 29.11.24, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 30.11.24, 09:00 – 17:00
Course details
Seminar: FOBI-CF children
Course: 2401
Target group: ZA
Points: 83+15
Course fee: 3.995,- €
Prof. Dr. Christian H. Splieth
Speakers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kahl-Nieke, PD Dr. Dr. Christian Kirschneck, Dr. Nicola Meißner, Dr. Rebecca Otto, PD Dr. Ruth Santamaria, Dr. Julian Schmoeckel, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian H. Splieth, Dr. Gisela Zehner